University Days

Created by Ben Chico 11 years ago
I met James at university, living in the next block at the halls of residence in the first year then sharing a house for the next two years. In the second year there were six of us in the house, including a madman called Greek Jim. We had some great times as a group,and would often sit on the roof terrace (actually just a flat roof which by luck did not collapse) debating the big issues affecting the world and coming up with ill conceived solutions. Alcohol was frequently involved. I remember one day taking significant effort to create some home-made mango ice cream. As I did not have a machine I transferred the mix between two bowls every hour in order to achieve what I believed would be the perfect consistency. After around six hours I excitedly called housemates inc James to try the perfect dessert. On giving everyone a spoon, we tucked in and everyone took a taste. The flavour profile was interesting; sweetness, a subtlety of mango but an overriding overtone of....saltiness. As I anxiously recalled the ingredient list to assure people no salt based ingredients had been used, out of the corner of my eye I noticed James' facial expression switch from similar confusion to horror then guilt. In confessing, it turned out that whilst I had been out of the kitchen, James had used what he thought to be a dirty bowl to pour table salt into. He explained that this had been done as a culinary form of doodling whilst discussing a matter with Greek Jim. I remember to this day that whilst others laughed heartily at my hours wasted, James was both incredibly remorseful and genuinely apologetic. I realised then just what a genuine and nice person he was, whilst also having strange ways of keeping himself occupied.